Thursday, August 27, 2009

Working on the "Using the Social Web for Social Change" Syllabus

Working on the syllabus for my BGI (Bainbridge Graduate Institute) course on "Using the Social Web for Social Change".

I have a pretty good handle on what I want to teach in the course, but I'm also intimidated by the amount of material I'm asking the students to cover in just 12 weeks. So much of it is going to just be a "survey" of the surface of the field. But it will give them all a good start, and the real important part of the class is the action learning they will be doing with blogs and social media projects.

I'm also uncertain about different pedagogy approaches. My teaching experience is largely as a coach rather then to a class of 25 students. Thus I tend to favor a more interactive approach. I have tried to build that somewhat into the course, but I don't have a good handle on what works and what will not.